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Setting Up an LLC in South Carolina

Creating an LLC in South Carolina is a straightforward process that provides liability protection and a flexible management structure. Here’s how to get started, based on South Carolina’s Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. S.C. Code § 33-44-101 et seq.

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1. Choose an LLC Name

Your LLC’s name must be unique and must include “LLC,” “Limited Liability Company,” or an appropriate abbreviation as required by S.C. Code § 33-44-105. The name must be distinguishable from other business names in South Carolina.

2. File Articles of Organization

To form your LLC, file Articles of Organization with the South Carolina Secretary of State. According to S.C. Code § 33-44-203, this document should include:

  • LLC’s name
  • Designated office and agent information
  • Organizer(s) details
  • Optional details about management structure and liability

3. Appoint a Registered Agent

Per S.C. Code § 33-44-108, your LLC must designate a registered agent to receive legal documents on behalf of the business. This agent can be an individual resident of South Carolina or a registered business entity. If you do not have one, or wish to remain anonymous, you may reach out to Twisdale Law, PC who can act as your Registered Agent.

4. Pay the Filing Fee

There’s a filing fee associated with submitting the Articles of Organization, which may vary. Ensure timely payment to avoid delays in processing. Twisdale Law, PC can assist with the LLC setup process and provide guidance on compliance with South Carolina law. For expert legal support, contact us to ensure your business is legally and operationally secure from day one.

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